Aug 24, 2009

The unfortunate..

Urmmm.. what a mess.. I've exceedeed the picasa storage album. That kill my chance to upload photos. Jeezzz

urm, i'll resolve this prob asap.


KeyGen said...

nape tak try upload di flickr?skrg ni lg mudah nak beli akaun flickr PRO..leh guna debit kad jerk..ehehe..

Unknown said...

urm.. x user friendly.. aku ade account flickr, but then nak upload kt flickr pastu copy link ke blogger. cam susah. klo upload kt blogger, then die otomatik masuk ke storage picasa with xtra work. aku kan malas. huhu

KeyGen said...

waaahahaha..sesungguhnya ko mmg m*l*s..miahaha..kire ok apa gune flickr..