Apr 8, 2009

Lomography: Supersampler

thanks so much to Qayyum for this precious gift. hehehe. anyway, I took those pictures using lomography camera; supersampler. google it if you don't know what i meant. i'm in a lazy mood to elaborate in details. caution everyone, this lomo camera only to be used under bright sun and not indoor (as i tried indoor and wasnt satisfied with the quality, darkness everywhere)

p/s: few weeks before graduation, jeez.. i'm afraid of the future! runnnnnnnn.... hiding under my comfy comforter. why can't i just stay in school and get free money from the government. also, i want to grab this opportunity to say lotsa thank you to MARA for finacially supporting me through out my entire life in United States.


Countess Miem said...

Tim I love you :(

Unknown said...

hahaha..i love u too. but then asal ade sad face tu at the end?