Apr 14, 2009

not so lazy to edit mode..

I have lots of work, but still stealing some time to take five to upload those pics. I know that it's now or never. ( havent' uploaded Nantucket trip's pic yet. be patient my dear Butters.haha). so yeah, less than 2 weeks to finish up my senior design project. What suck is that I can't do anything with the building the Icing Wind Tunnel. I am just too small and too weak to do the man work. haha. So I do the website, poster and Solidworks model. B O R I N G. i know it is. I almost done with the Labview Programming. Alhamdulillah. I should do the tutorial of how to program Labview so that I could use it as a future reference. Will be will be.. when I have time sooon. jeez, I don't have labview on my laptop, got my laptop reghost last week and the software was gone. Could you believe that my laptop is still working the same pace(as slow as the snail). Yeah, time to get new laptop. So here we go.. dear money, I command you to appear in front of me now. Just enough for me to buy macbook pro. pufff.. jeng.. *money appears*.. sigh.. if life is that easy.

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

I sang that song out loud with Munyee and Irwan when we were boat rowing on Mazidah's birthday brunch party. It was a great day. I posted some pics that I took on that day too. Ooopss, accidentally resized the pics in thumbnail size. Dang tim dang.. you should have been more focus. jeez.. (complain to myself). Anyway, those who're keen, you can click on the pic and hopefully pufffsss money coming out and appear in front of you. hahaha.. no no way that's happening. hahaha. click on the thumbnail for better size.

p/s : I promise won't do the thumbnail again. tsk tsk (i didnt like the thumbnail and did some correction)

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