Nov 4, 2008

I ain't care anymore..

People have eyes to see
People have ears to hear
People have brain to judge

I don't care what's the bad impression some people had on me
I don't care what's the good impression some people had on me

Later on, they will know the true me. The up and down side.
So why hypocrite now and pretend to be someone that I wasn't?'s my life..
..and I want to lead my life ..
..with what I believe in..
..not with what I want people to believe in..


..I am totally open to any change..


None said...

biarkan kite dgn diri kite. kalo kite rase x bgs, kite improve sket. kalo dah bgs kite just teruskn. kdg2 org x faham ape yg kite pk sbb diorg bkn org. diorg beruang.

Anonymous said... gile ayat nie "diorg beruang". hehehe..

but anyway, for me, just be the person that you want to be. you decide what is the best for you. coz in the end, you're the one that gets the results.

I agree with Ainul, if kite rasa x bagus, kite improve. If kite rasa okay, kite teruskan. Also remember the saying "Jadikan hari ini lebih baik dari semalam".

other people won't care what happen. they just know what to say and what to complain. so, why follow other people and then regret alone in the future? So, be yourself and be happy. No regrets =)