This feeling which i normally hate.
Walking into an empty house where no one else inside.
Yet i hate the most walking into an empty house where someone is inside.
Aim high cause nothing is the limit.
This feeling which i normally hate.
Walking into an empty house where no one else inside.
Yet i hate the most walking into an empty house where someone is inside.
I guess it is true what we read months ago will determine who we are now. MashaAllah I have learned so much bout silver, property, business, financial management and self motivation. Yet I have not know many things of those and still am learning..
My gratuity to my Lord who has given a chance for my mind to explore the world with different perspective. Also thanks a lot to my husband who always supports me in venturing new ideas. I wouldn't do these things alone sayang.
Now my next project is to put our photography business Efzeen Creation to another level with addition of another services like Guestbook and Candy Buffet InsyaAllah..
Of course I want a new website. Must have .com domain, thats a mission. Yet am still thinking bout the official name. maybe or or Hurm a hard decision to make.
By the way, try do zikr Subhanallah x 33, Alhamdulillah x 33, Allahuakbar x 33 everyday. MashaAllah it does help my soul in managing my anger and frustration. Whenever I am not satisfy with certain things like everyone else, I do the zikr and hey guess what it soothes me and calm me down.
Also during this Ramadan I learn the power of Doa. Not that I dont acknowledge the power of Doa but I really experience bout the power of Doa. So everyday my Doa will be ( got this idea from Dr Azizan Osman )
I pray for me and my family to have a business which wont have loss in Dunya and Akhirat. I pray for the rezeki to come in bundles. I pray that we could pay the zakat and give lots of sadaqah to people in need. I pray that we to be given enough time to spend with families and do charities. I pray so that we could help out many people in achieving their dreams.
Till then, salam Ramadhan everyone and lets celebrate this coming Syawal with modesty, InsyaAllah.
Ramai tanya saya mengenai prospek Silver ini. Adakah sama dengan emas? Bila harganya akan naik? Untung ke beli Silver ni?
Begini kalau nak tahu Silver ni diibaratkan seperti adik kepada emas. Kalau harga emas mencanak naik, harga Silver pun begitu juga. Kalau harga emas menjunam jatuh ke gaung, si adik pun turut serta jatuh. Malahan kebanyakan konsep pelaburan emas boleh dipakai untuk pelaburan Silver.
Malahan Silver turut dikatakan seperti 'Emas orang miskin'. Mengapa pulak begitu kan. Ini kerana sebab sebab dibawah -->
a) Harga Silver yang sangat mampu milik. Sebagai contoh harga sekarang untuk 1oz (31.1gram) Silver coin dalam rm82. Tetapi harga untuk 1g emas bar rm 135. Ha kan mampu milik tu untuk kuantiti yang lagi banyak dari emas.
b) Peratusan kenaikan harga Silver selalunya lebih tinggi dari emas tau. Contohnya kalau emas naik 20%, Silver akan naik dalam 40%.
c) Dahulu ketika wang kertas masih bersandarkan pada emas, ratio emas kepada Silver adalah 1:16. Kiranya perlukan 16 oz Silver utk dapatkan 1oz emas. Sekarang rationya adalah 1:62. Ini menunjukkan harga Silver adalah undervalue.
d) Emas kebiasaannya disimpan untuk perhiasan. Tidak hilang kuantitinya berbanding Silver. Ini kerana Silver digunakan dalam industri untuk membuat perkakasan dapur, barang2 elektronik dan pelbagai lagi. Ini menunjukkan tentang kegunaan Silver lebih meluas dari emas. Maka akan datang industri perkilangan memerlukan lebih banyak Silver dan akn menyebabkan harga Silver akan meningkat.